In the year 2023 the members of the IUBM-UAM raised through research projects circa 4.1 million euros. According to the current agreement joint agreement CSIC-UAM, the overheads corresponding to these projects are assigned and managed directly by the CBM Severo Ochoa.
The UAM endowed the IUBM-UAM with a specific budget of 3,600 euros for the year 2023.
This budget was used for the following purposes:
Sponsorship of the PINP 2023 Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis 2023 in the CBMSO, Awards for the Best Oral Communication and the Best Poster in the X WORKSHOP STUDENTS & POSDOCS CBMSO 2023, and Tribute to Prof. José M. Cuezva, July 2023.
Equipment: acquisition of informatic and laboratory supplies to assist in the scientific tasks and administrative management of the IUBM-UAM and the CBM.